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Sri Lanka

Please find below a collection of useful documents and links related to the subject of tsunami and tsunami readiness.

Official Tsunami Evacuation Map Kuta/Bali/Indonesia

The attached map provides the official evacuation routes for Kuta/Bali together with some useful instructions.
» File : Kuta Leaflet_EN.pdf
Official Tsunami Evacuation Map Sanur /Bali/Indonesia

The attached map provides the official evacuation routes for Sanur/Bali together with some useful instructions.
» File : Leaflet Sanur_EN.pdf
General Tsunami Survival Tips

Please find below a short list of instructions that will help you personally to get 'Tsunami Ready' during your holidays.
» File : General Tsunami Survival Tips_V1.pdf
The Tsunami Early Warning Service of Bali Hotels Association [BHA]

BHA is operating its own unique tsunami and emergency sms service providing extra security to its guests and employees. Have a look at the fact sheet for details.
» File : Factsheet BHA Tsunami Warning System_V2.pdf
Tsunami Ready Hotels Newsletter No. 1

The first 'Tsunami Ready Hotels' Newsletter. Download here... 
» File : Tsunami Ready Newsletter_No_1_August _2011ro.docx
Page : 1 2 


National Oceanic and Athmospheric Association [NOAA]

The National Geophysical Data Center archives and assimilates tsunami, earthquake and volcano data to support research, planning. response and mitigation. Long-term data, including photographs, can be used to establish the history of natural hazard occurrences and help mitigate against future events.

Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika [BMKG]

This Indonesian government agency is in charge for Indonesia's tsunami early warnings. It provides vital tsunami information almost in realtime on its website.

Japan Meteorological Agency

Japans official provider for tsunami early warnings. Very profesional, fast and usful information.

Bali Hotels Association [BHA]

Bali Hotels Association is an association of over 100 star rated hotels in Bali. BHA played a crucial role in the development of tsunami hotel standards in Indonesia and is a strong supporter of 'Tsunami Ready'. The hotels of Bali Hotels Association are amongst the best prepared in Indonesia.

U.S. Geological Survey

This sides provides up to date and comprehensive information on earthquakes and tsunami warnings - worldwide.

U.S. Geologic Survey - Earthquake Notification Service

The Earthquake notification Service (ENS) is a free service that sends you automated notification emails when earthquakes happen in your area.

Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre

The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre (JATWC) is operated by the Bureau of Meteorology (Bureau) and Geoscience Australia (GA).

Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System

The Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System provides near real-time alerts about natural disasters around the world and tools to facilitate response coordination, including media monitoring, map catalogues and Virtual On-Site Operations Coordination Centre.

Tsunami Ready Hotels

'Tsunami Ready Hotels' prepares hotels for the event of a tsunami - for peace of mind on the beach!

Earthquake Report

Earthquake Report was created to bridge the gap in between science and basic understanding.  It is a private initiative providing up to date information on earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis!


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